When you see one of them cry while talking you can’t help by wonder what they are going through or what they have been through. Your story will never go away, your pain can never go away until you turn it into an experience to learn.
Your past is not your future. Your mistake is not what defines you. Your downfall is not a joke but a blessing, because if you didn’t fall you were not going to understand what you mean to GOD, you were never gonna understand what you are capable of.
Respect those who advise you
Respect that elder who keeps telling you that kea go bolelela Mmago gore wa ntella
Respect a person who tells you the truth like it is without spicing it or sugar coating it
Avoid jumping that step, you might be lucky and not fall but falling from the top is more painful.
Listen and Learn
This goes out to your daughter or son in school
This goes out to you students, this goes out to you seating at home doing nothing with your life
This goes to you who tried 3 times and gave up!
Get Up! Get Out! Go Out There! No one is going to come pull you out of bed, no one is going to come and wake you up from your dream. YOU DO IT & START ACTING
I will leave it here. I am your friend, I am your sister, I am your minds enemy because it fights with what to take in and what not to take in. Don’t give NEGATIVITY the POWER. Build that CONFIDENCE…
Don’t you dare ask me how because after reading this, it means you have work to do. Find you & in the meantime i will #findthebox to put all your Don’t, all your worries,frustrations, failures and more. I am Nthabi & I learn not only to grow myself but to educate and grow you. Together we grow, together we do more.
I have seen what hard work can do and I know what more it can and will do.